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《灵界经历》 第4813节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4813

4813. Continuation about Moravians

Two men appeared to me in a dream who seemed known to me because I had an idea of two I know in the world who were not honest. They invited me into a Room where they spoke in a friendly fashion and then announced they were thieves and demanded I give them a hundred ducats. One of them seized me and wanted to use force on me. But when I overcame them and got outside, he followed me shouting "thief" so that I would be apprehended and in this way he would be freed. Then he threw dust in my lap and I awoke. A cluster of glistening flames appeared above the table as if from their drool there. This symbolized the desire that they have for their truth and that they pour into others.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4813


There appeared to me, in a dream, two, who were, as it were, acquaintances, because I was in the idea of two who were not honest whom I knew in the world. They invited me into a chamber, where they spoke amicably; and they afterward declared themselves robbers, and demanded that I should give them one hundred ducats. Another seized me, and wished to use violence; but he did not prevail, and I got out of doors. He followed me, shouting robber, so that I might be apprehended, and he thus be left at liberty. He then threw dust into my bosom, and I awoke. There appeared very many gleaming flames above the table, as if from the spittle of those there. This signified their cupidity of truth - which they have, and which they infuse into others.

Experientiae Spirituales 4813 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4813. Continuatio de Moravianis

Apparebant mihi in somnio bini, qui quasi noti, quia in idea binorum eram quos cognosco in mundo, qui non sinceri, illi invitabant me in Cameram, ubi loquuti sunt amice, et postea declarabant se latrones, et urgebant ut darem 100 ducatos, alter me prehendit et vim inferre voluit, sed cum praevalerem et exirem foras et sequutus est me, vociferando latro ut comprehenderer, et ille sic liberaretur, tunc immisit pulverem in gremium meum, et evigilatus, apparebant flammae coruscae admodum plures super mensam quasi ex sputo eorum ibi; hoc significabat cupiditatem veri eorum, quam habent, et quam infundunt aliis.

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