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《灵界经历》 第4814节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4814

4814. In a dream I again seemed to be in their holy meeting. But because they did not want this and in various ways urged me to leave, when I went out, two then came with me and spoke kindly and at length led me down to a place where I was brought before a court. There two hundred of them then came and declared me guilty of death because I had frequented their holy gathering and consequently their deep secrets had been discovered. And I awoke. They persisted in asking me where [it had happened], and persisted in killing another person, and in doing this by all unanimously striking him. And it was then said that they had done the same to someone else and subsequently had badly manhandled one of their own who had said that he had done wrong.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4814

4814. Again, in a dream, I seemed to be in their sacred assembly; but they wished to tear me in pieces, and urged me, in various ways, to depart. When I went away, then two accompanied me, and spoke kindly; and, at length, they led me down to a place, where I was brought in; and then came two hundred of them, and declared me guilty of death, because I frequented their sacred assembly, and because their arcana were thus discovered: and I awoke. They continued with me, inquiring where I was, and killing another, and this by all unanimously striking him. Then it was said, that they did thus to anyone; and they also ill-treated, afterwards, one of their number who said he had done evil.

Experientiae Spirituales 4814 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4814. Iterum in somnio visus sum esse in eorum congregatione sacra sed quod illi tamen non volebant, et variis modis urgebant ut exirem, cum exivi, tum bini me comitati sunt, et benigne loquuti, et tandem deduxerunt in locum, ubi inductus sum, et tunc veniebant ducenti ex illis, et declarabant me sontem mortis, quod sacra eorum frequentaverim, et quod sic detegerentur arcana illorum, et evigilatus sum, perstabant in me inquirendo ubinam, et interficiendo alium, et hoc omnes unanimiter percutiendo; tunc dictum est, quod ita fecerint alicui, et quod etiam male tractaverint dein unum eorum qui dixit malum fecisse.

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