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《灵界经历》 第482节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 482

482. But how spirits join company, or on the other hand, how they are dissociated, [will now be explained]. Because they are most ingenious, and much cleverer than people in the body, they can tell by various indications that a soul is of the kind that may fit into their circles. They also test that spirit, by leading him into a conversation so that they may follow his mental imagery, and then cause him to speak according to his ideas and their own. Agreement or disagreement is plainly felt, sometimes plainly even by me, and from this they know what things are incompatible with themselves, and what are in agreement.

They lead man also in the same way, for they follow our chain of thoughts, and at the same time, inspire feelings, and thus lead in such a way that we believe we are speaking on our own, whereas it is nothing but a unanimity [of thought]. But when a spirit is intending evil, circumstances of this kind are bent by Jesus Christ to a person's good. 1748, the 17th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 482

482. But how they form consociations and also how they are dissociated [shall be said]. Spirits, because they are most ingenious, and much more ingenious than men in the body, know from various things that a soul is of such a nature that he can be in harmony with their consociation. The test of it is this, that they lead the spirit into conversation, so that they may follow his ideas, and thus make him speak according to his ideas and their own: the agreement or the repugnance is manifestly felt - it was sometimes manifest even to me. Hence they know what things are contrary to, or in agreement with, themselves, and they lead man accordingly; for they follow the series of his thoughts, and at the same time inspire affections, and in this way they lead, so that the man supposes that he speaks of himself, when nevertheless it is nothing else than consent. But things of any kind which a spirit intends for evil are bent by Jesus Christ to the good of man. 1748, Jan. 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 482 (original Latin 1748-1764)

482. Sed quomodo ligant consortia, vel etiam dissociantur, [nunc dicetur:] spiritus, quia ingeniosissimi sunt, et multo ingeniosiores, quam homines in corpore, ex 1

variis sciunt, quod anima sit talis, ut eorum consortiis conveniat 2

; probatio quoque talis est, quod ducant spiritum in loquelam, sic ut sequantur ejus ideas, et sic eum loqui faciunt secundum 3

ejus ideas et suas, convenientia et repugnantia manifeste sentitur, etiam mihi quandoque manifeste, inde sciunt, quae sibi contraria aut convenientia sunt, similiter ac ducunt hominem, nam sequuntur ejus cogitationum seriem, ac inspirant affectiones simul, et sic ducunt, sic ut homo putet ex se loqui, cum tamen non aliud sit, quam consensus, sed ejuscemodi flectuntur a Jesu Christo ad bonum hominis, quum intendat 4

malum spiritus. 1748, die 17 Jan.


1. The Manuscript has corpore ex

2. The Manuscript has conveniant

3. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has secunde

4. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition quod intendit

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