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《灵界经历》 第4821节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4821

4821. The supplications of the good are heard in heaven as cries and those of the evil as cries in hell.

It once happened [that] when I spoke with a certain spirit and wanted to express it simply with love and affection, he said he heard me saying many things. But I said that I had not thought or uttered a word or had any idea. He said that I had said many things and that he had heard them audibly, expressed in words.

[2] Later, when I put my hand to my temples to rub them, it was said from heaven that this too was heard there as something spoken, expressive of every affection present in me. This was then repeated in another way and proved. The reason was that in the third heaven they do not think and speak through ideas or through ideas made into words, that is to say, through the forms of ideas flowing down into words, but rather that in the third heaven they speak through affections in an inexpressible way, and that this happens audibly. I was told from heaven that the affections of good people are all heard in heaven, and if they are ardent, they are heard as cries. This was also attested to earlier by the fact, which was told to me, that unspoken thought, when it arises from good and truth, is heard in heaven better than audible speech, or than thought speaking out loud.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4821


It happened, once on a time, when I spoke with a certain spirit and wished to signify it merely by the affection of love, that he said he hears me speaking many things; but I said that I have not thought or uttered a word, or had any idea. He said that I spoke many things concerning that matter, and that he heard this expressed sonorously with words. Afterwards, when I put my hand to the temples for the purpose of chafing them, it was said from heaven, that that also was heard in heaven as speech, according to every affection that was at that time in me; and this was, after that, repeated in another manner, and confirmed. The reason was, because, in the third heaven, they think and speak by means of ideas, or ideas made words, or by the forms of ideas flowing down into words; because, also, in the third heaven, they speak by means of affections, in an expressible manner, and this sonorously. I was thence instructed that all the affections of a good man are heard in heaven, and, if they are ardent, as loud cries. This was also attested by the fact, which was told me, that tacit thought, when from good and truth, is better heard in heaven as sonorous speech, than thought speaking aloud.

Experientiae Spirituales 4821 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4821. Quod supplicationes bonorum audiantur in coelo, ut clamores, et malorum in inferno

Factum quondam cum loquutus sum cum quodam spiritu, et volui solum per affectionem amoris id significare, dixit ille, quod audiret me loquentem multa, sed dixi quod non cogitaverim nec vocem emiserim, seu aliquam ideam habuerim, dixit quod loquutus sim multa, de illa re, et quod audiverit sonore illa, expressis vocibus; postea cum misi manum ad tempora mulciendi causa, dictum e coelo, quod etiam illud auditum sit in coelo ut loquela secundum omnem affectionem quae mihi inerat tunc, hoc dein iteratum alio modo, et confirmatum, causa erat, quia in tertio coelo non cogitent ac loquantur per ideas aut per ideas factas voces seu per formas idearum defluentes in voces, sed quod in tertio coelo loquantur per affectiones, inexpressibili modo, et hoc sonore: instructus sum inde quod affectiones hominis boni audiantur omnes in coelo, et si ardentes sunt sicut clamores: hoc quoque testatum est prius per id, quod mihi dictum, quod tacita cogitatio, cum ex bono et vero, plus audiatur in coelo ut loquela sonora, quam cogitatio alte loquens.

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