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《灵界经历》 第4822节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4822

4822. It is the other way around with affections of evil and falsity; these are not heard in heaven but in hell and as cries too when they are ardent. And they are not heard in heaven otherwise than when they get through to the good and afflict or oppress them. Then those in heaven hear them. Aid is then brought to them, and thus by this the evil is suppressed.

That this is the case comes from the fact that good thought and affection are received by all in heaven and so spread themselves all around, for there is a perpetual sharing of such things in heaven. It is due to this that they are heard as cries. It is the other way around in hell. There evil and false thoughts and affections are taken in like water into sponges and are spread around. As a consequence there are cries there when the hells are in order and in opposition to heaven, and so from this such [evil and false thoughts] are driven away there.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4822

4822. It is the reverse as regards the affections of the evil and the false: these are not heard in heaven but in hell, and, as loud cries when they are ardent; and they are not heard in heaven, save as they penetrate to the good, and afflict or oppress them; then are they heard by those in heaven, who immediately render assistance, and thus evil is thence repressed. That the matter is so, comes from the circumstance that good thought and affection is received by all in heaven, and so diffuses itself round about; for there is a perpetual communication of such things in heaven. Hence it is that they are heard as loud cried. The reverse holds in hell. There, thoughts and affections of evil and the false are received, like water by sponges, and diffused around. Hence the loud cries there, when the hells are in order, and opposed to heaven; and hence the diffusion of such things there.

Experientiae Spirituales 4822 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4822. Vice versa est de affectionibus mali et falsi, illae non audiuntur in coelo sed in inferno, etiam ut clamores, cum ardentes sunt; et quod non aliter audiantur in coelo, quam cum penetrant ad bonos, et illos affligunt vel opprimunt, tunc ab his audiuntur in coelo, quibus tunc opis fertur, et sic inde reprimitur malum. Quod ita se habeat, inde est, quod cogitatio et affectio bona recipiatur ab omnibus in coelo, et sic se dissipet circumcirca, nam communicatio perpetua talium est in coelo, inde est quod audiantur ut clamores, vicissim est in inferno, ibi recipiuntur cogitationes et affectiones mali et falsi, sicut aquae in spongiis, et circumdissipantur, inde ibi clamores cum inferna in ordine sunt, et in opposito ad coelum, inde dissipatio talium ibi.

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