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《灵界经历》 第4840节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4840

4840. In a word, Babel is the exercise of control by using the doctrine of the Church and explaining it in favor of controlling others, so that ultimately they may rule in place of God and be gods on earth. This goal is dominion, thus for self; and doctrine and the Lord Himself are for use as means. Furthermore He Himself is forsaken, together with doctrine if control is not granted to them. In their heart they regard God as nothing, and in their heart they do not acknowledge Him and they worship only themselves. Thus they regard the Word as nothing and doctrine as nothing, and not heaven nor the Church, although with their mouth they defend these more than others do. The devil himself can receive doctrine in this way and acknowledge the Lord.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4840

4840. In a word, Babel is ruling by means of the doctrine of the Church and explaining those things [of doctrine] in favor of ruling over others, so that at length they may govern in place of God, and be gods upon earth. That end is for the sake of domination, thus for sake of [self], with doctrine and the Lord Himself, for a means - who [i. e. the Lord] is also forsaken, together with doctrine, if those who so act are not allowed to have dominion. In their heart, they make God of no account, and do not acknowledge Him in heart, but only worship themselves; thus they make the Word of no account, and doctrine of no account, nor the Church, nor heaven; although, with the mouth they defend them more strongly than others. Devils themselves are able so to receive doctrine, and acknowledge the Lord.

Experientiae Spirituales 4840 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4840. Verbo Babel est dominari per Ecclesiae doctrinam, et explicare illa ad favorem dominandi super alios, et tandem ut loco Dei imperent, et sint dii super terra, finis ille est pro dominatu, ita pro [se], et doctrina ac ipse Dominus pro medio, qui etiam relinquitur una cum doctrina, si non conceditur dominari; illi corde suo nihili faciunt Deum, et corde non agnoscunt, sed semet modo adorant, ita nihili faciunt Verbum, et nihili doctrinam, nec Ecclesiam, nec coelum, tametsi ore plus defendunt quam alii: diaboli ipsi possunt sic recipere doctrinam, et agnoscere Dominum.

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