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《灵界经历》 第4841节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4841

4841. About the internal sense of the Word, that it is grasped by few

In a dream, I saw myself in company with many priests, and when I spoke with one about the internal sense of the Word, he said that he knew nothing about it. However, since he desired to know many things even though he did not understand them, it seemed as though he too wanted to know something about this. When it had been shown to him, he was told that he could share his knowledge with the priests there, of which there were many. But I realized that of all these, and there were many, not even one could grasp these things since their rational faculty had been closed due to their wanting to grasp the Word in an only sensual manner. I had a sense of repugnance and aversion. After this others came who were of a different nature, like those who want to know many things, besides others who varied in their comprehension and pleasure in knowing. However to no avail. There was a sense of repugnance for the reason that it was from the light of heaven, and to withdraw from the light and heat of the world to the light and heat of heaven was in various ways repugnant. But yet the simple, those who have goodness in them, could grasp it and, also, were raised into heaven because they can be together with heavenly societies. The rest cannot be with heavenly societies but with worldly societies, being ignorant of what heavenly thought and affection are.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4841


In a dream, I seemed to myself to be in the company of many priests, and then spoke of the internal sense of the Word with one who said that he knows nothing about it; but, because he was desirous of knowing many things, although he might not understand the same, he seemed to wish to know something about it. When it was shown, he was told that he might communicate it to the priests there, who were many. But it was perceived that, of all these - and there were many - not even one could apprehend these things, inasmuch as their rational mind was closed, for the reason that they wished to apprehend the Word only sensually. I perceived in myself repugnance and aversion. Afterwards came others, who were of different disposition, as they wished to know many things, beyond others, from the faculty of apprehending and the gratification of knowing different things; but all to no purpose. Repugnance was felt, for the reason that [the internal sense] was from the light of heaven; and as it receded from the light and heat of the world towards the light and heat of heaven it resisted - and this in various ways. But, yet, the simple, who are in good, apprehended; and they were also raised up into heaven, because they were able to be together with heavenly societies - the rest not with heavenly, but with worldly societies, being ignorant what heavenly thought and affection are.

Experientiae Spirituales 4841 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4841. De sensu interno Verbi, quod a paucis capiatur

In somnio visus mihi sum in consortio plurium sacerdotum esse, et tunc cum uno loquutus sum de sensu interno Verbi, qui dixit quod de eo nihil sciat, sed quia is erat cupidus sciendi plura, tametsi eadem non intelligeret, visus est quasi velle scire aliquid de eo, cum id ostensum, dictum ei, ut communicaret cum sacerdotibus ibi, qui plures erant; sed perceptum quod omnes illi, qui multi erant, ne quidem unus posset capere illa, quoniam rationale eorum fuit occlusum, ex causa quia modo sensualiter capere Verbum vellent, perceptum est apud me repugnantia et aversatio; postea venerunt alii, qui alia indole fuerunt, ut qui vellent plura scire, praeter alios ex varia facultate capiendi et voluptate sciendi, sed incassum, repugnantia sentita est, ex causa quia ex luce coeli esset, et recedere a luce et calore mundi, ad lucem et calorem coeli, repugnabat, et hoc vario modo: sed usque simplices, qui in bono, illi capiebant, et illi quoque elevabantur in coelum, quia cum societatibus coelestibus simul esse possent; reliqui non cum societatibus coelestibus, sed cum societatibus mundanis, nescientes quid coelestis cogitatio et affectio.

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