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《灵界经历》 第4842节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4842

4842. About Babel and Chaldea, that they are the adulterers spoken about in the book of Revelation

I was shown through actual experiences what Babel and Chaldea are, that is to say, the adulterers and the whore in the book of Revelation [17]. What Babel is was shown by (Swab 1), Chaldea by (Rudberg 2and Kalsenius 3). They who are Babel wish to accept the doctrine for the sake of control, and under the Lord rule over others, saying that if they remain in true doctrine, the Lord aids them and that this is pleasing to Him, because the doctrine treats of Him and of His Kingdom. But yet they believe nothing, and if they are not supported, they withdraw. They hold the doctrine consequently solely for the sake of control and not because of the happiness of eternal life. They worship themselves and not the Lord, and to the extent that the Lord does not show them favor and approve, and make it possible for them to rule in the world for their own benefit, to that extent they withdraw.


1. See initial footnoted information on him in passage 4701.

2. For information on this person see footnote to passage 4836.

3. Andreas Kalsenius (1688ֱ750), Swedish Bishop and renowned defender of the faith.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4842


It was shown, by living experiences, what Babel and Chaldaea are, or the adulterers and the whore in the Apocalypse. What Babel is [was shown] by Swab; what Chaldaea is by Rudberg and Kalsenius. They who are Babel wish to receive doctrine for the sake of domination, and, under the Lord to govern others, saying, that if they remain in true doctrine the Lord then aids [them], and that it pleases Him, because the doctrine is concerning Himself and His kingdom; but still they believe nothing, and, if not aided [by the Lord], they recede. Therefore, to them, doctrine is only for the sake of domination, and not for the sake of the felicity of eternal life. The same worship themselves and not the Lord; and, so far as the Lord does not favor and approve them, and cause that they, instead of Himself, may rule in the world, so far do they recede.

Experientiae Spirituales 4842 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4842. De Babele et Chaldaea, quod sint adulteri de quibus in Apocalypsi

Ostensum est per vivas experientias quid Babel et Chaldaea, seu adulteri et meretrix in Apocalypsi [XVII], quid Babel per (Swab) , quid Chaldaea per (Rudberg et Kalsenius); qui Babel propter dominatum recipere volunt doctrinam, et sub Domino imperare aliis, dicentes quod si maneant in doctrina vera, quod Dominus tunc adjuvet et hoc Ipsi placeat, quia doctrina de Ipso, et de Regno Ipsius, sed usque illi nihil credunt, et si non adjuventur, recedunt, est itaque illis doctrina solum dominatus causa, et non propter felicitatem vitae aeternae, iidem se adorant et non Dominum, et quantum non Dominus favet et assentit, et facit ut illi in mundo pro se imperent, tantum recedunt.

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