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《灵界经历》 第4847节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4847

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4847

4847. By means of the Divine Human of the Lord order was restored even to the ultimate of life, which is the sensual; for successive Divine order perished in ultimates, thus the Divine in the ultimate: this has been restored by the Lord, so that thus the Divine could reach even to that. When I spoke with the angels, I perceived, from their inflowing idea, that there never could have been a Divine creating all things, unless it were a one - not divided into three equal essences, but into three successive essences, which are the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and these in one Person. It was also perceived that the Divine Itself, which is the first essence, must have been Man in endeavor, or in course of becoming - fieri - whence it was as it were man, thus man reflexively; and that the second essence is Man born, and essentially from the first; and the third essence in successive order, is Man proceeding, which is the whole heaven; and, if it is named, it may be called the Holy Spirit, since it is from the Lord there, and in the Church thence. It may also be confirmed from the fact that the body is the existere of life from the soul, which is the esse of life - as is done among spirits. It may be confirmed from the creed of Athanasius. Those from the Christian world who, from principles taken up and confirmed in the world, deny the Lord, have scarcely any life; they are completely silly. There were two, who were afterwards conjoined, that had been of such a character; they were completely silly. They were Poll. . . 's 1daughter and a male friend, whose condition was wretched. It is otherwise with those who do not confirm [such principles].


1. The Latin editor could make nothing of the MS., in this place, and has inserted a lithographed facsimile of the undecipherable words, in Part VII., Supplement No. 6. In this state of affairs, I asked the kind assistance of Rev. Dr. R. L. Tafel, compiler and editor of the Documents, and here append his remarks. "As far as I can make it out, the facsimile reads: Poll. Dotter och en amicum - 'Poll. . . 's daughter, and a male friend.'" There are, however, Dr. Tafel points out, two objections to the most natural conclusion as to the name of which "Poll" is an abbreviation - Polhem. In the first place, "Polhem's daughter (Emerentia) did not die until 1760; while No. 4572 of the Experiences was written 6th Aug. 1752, and No. 5336, 6th Jan. 1757." The inference is, therefore that the present No. was written somewhere between those dates, and consequently, while Polhem's daughter was yet alive. "Again, ordinarily, Swedenborg does not abbreviate Polhem 'Poll' but 'Pol.' Still," Dr. Tafel continues, "I am not acquainted with any other name amongst Swedenborg's friends and acquaintances, which might be abbreviated 'Poll.'" The identity of the person alluded to in the text must, therefore, remain doubtful. Hence, I have incorporated in the text the translation of the facsimile with which Dr. Tafel has furnished me, leaving, however, Swedenborg's abbreviation of the name. J. F. Buss.

4832a. 1I afterwards heard from thence, that some are sent to them by the Lord, who teach concerning Him; also, that they do not now admit strangers from this earth - who disturb them, particularly with [the notion of] three persons in the Divinity, whereas they know that God is one, therefore the Divine is also one, and not a concord of three - unless they are willing to think of Him as of an angel in whom is the inmost of life, which is called the soul, and his visible presentation which is in the human form, and the proceeding life which is around him from his love; for every angel is perceived, at a distance, such as he is in respect to love; but the Divine which proceeds from the Lord, inasmuch as it is from the very Esse of all life, fills the universal heaven and constitutes it.

1. This passage was inserted at this point by direction of Swedenborg. See footnote to 4832.

Experientiae Spirituales 4847 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4847. Per Divinum Humanum Domini restitutus est ordo usque ad ultimum vitae, quod est sensuale, ordo enim Divinus successivus periit in ultimis, ita Divinum in ultimo, hoc a Domino restitutum fuit, ut sic pertingere posset Divinum usque illuc.

[2] Cum angelis loquutus, ex illorum influente idea percepi, quod nusquam dari potuerit Divinum creans omnia nisi unum, non divisum in tres essentias aequales; sed quod in tres essentias successivas, quae sunt Pater, Filius, et Spiritus sanctus, et illi in una persona. Perceptum etiam quod ipsum Divinum quod prima essentia, fuerit homo in conatu, seu in fieri; unde etiam erat sicut homo; ita reflexive homo; et quod secunda essentia homo natus et essentialiter ex prima; et tertia essentia in successivo homo procedens, quod est totum coelum, et si vocatur dici potest Spiritus sanctus, quando a Domino ibi et in Ecclesia inde.

[3] Confirmetur etiam ex eo quod corpus sit existere vitae ab anima quae est esse vitae. Eadem apud spiritus. Confirmetur ex symbolo Athanasii.

[4] Qui ex Christiano orbe Dominum negant ex captis principiis et confirmatis in mundo, vix habent aliquam vitam, sunt prorsus fatui, erant duo, qui postea conjuncti, qui tales fuerant, erant prorsus fatui, Polh: dotter, och en annan 1

[vide 4729], miserabilis status; aliter cum illis, qui non confirmant.


1. = Polh. Filia et alius vel alia (verba suecica)

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