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《灵界经历》 第4848节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4848

4848. 1About magical Characters

I was told, and I might say shown, how the characters used in magic worked, namely that [the magicians] drew lines in various directions, with curves and twists, and following the direction trickily led the eyes around with them and at the same time the thought about a deed to be committed, and that they then led them astray in accordance with some form of a lower heaven or of the world of spirits, and in this way through an inflow determined by these forms.

[2] For all the thought of people on earth, of spirits, and of angels takes place following the form of heaven, which is incomprehensible, known to the Lord alone. Magicians have learned something about that form from much experience, especially the ancients, the Babylonians and also some in Egypt; and in the same way they brought whatever they wished into the minds of others.


1. Following the author's instruction we have inserted 4844-47 after 4832.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4848


It was told, and almost exhibited to me, how it was with magical written-characters, to wit, that they [i. e. the magicians] wrote lines with varying direction, curvature and bend, and that, according to the direction, they, by means of those characters, cheated the eyes, and at the same time the thought, concerning the thing to be accomplished; and that they then disposed themselves according to some form of an interior heaven, or of the world of spirits, and so induced various persuasions, by influxes according to those forms: for all thought of man, spirit and angel takes place according to the form of heaven, which is incomprehensible, being known to the Lord alone. Magicians have learned something concerning that form, by much experience, especially the Ancients, the Babylonians and some in Egypt; and they, similarly, induced upon the minds of others whatsoever they wished.


1. Numbers 4844-4847 are placed after number 4832, as directed by Swedenborg.

Experientiae Spirituales 4848 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4848. 1

De Characteribus magicis

Dictum mihi et paene ostensum, quomodo se habuerit cum characteribus magicis, quod nempe lineas vario ductu, curvatura et flexione scripserint, et quod secundum directionem ab illis circumduxerint oculos, et cogitationem simul de re patranda, et quod tunc seduxerint secundum formam aliquam coeli inferioris, seu mundi spirituum, et sic induxerint varias persuasiones, per influxus secundum formas illas, omnis enim cogitatio hominis, spiritus, et angeli fit secundum formam coeli, quae incomprehensibilis, Soli Domino nota, aliquid de illa forma per multam experientiam didicerunt magi, imprimis antiqui, Babelici, etiam aliqui in Aegypto, ac similiter induxerunt in animos aliorum quicquid vellent.


1. 4844-4847 inserimus conformiter auctoris praescripto post 4832

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