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《灵界经历》 第4867节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4867

4867. But the angels who have intelligence and are aware of the innumerably many things in themselves and others that are contained in a single affection and also in a single idea of a thing also express themselves in sounds similar to or fitting the affection, so all things that they feel and think are included in it together. This angelic speech is not perceived by spirits other than as a general quality noticeable in the sound. From this can be seen how elegant, beautiful, delicious, and delightful the language of angels is. It is such because the affections they express in their speech are heavenly, because they are from the Lord.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4867

4867. But the angels, who are in intelligence, and discern in one affection and one idea of a thing many and innumerable things in themselves and in others - these pronounce, also, according to the likeness of the affection, or of the concordant affection, so that in what they pronounce is included simultaneously all that they feel and think. This angelic speech is not perceived by spirits, save by a certain general characteristic noticeable in the sound. Hence it may be manifest, how elegant, beautiful, delightful and pleasant is the speech of angels; for the affections in them, which they express by speech, are heavenly, because from the Lord.

Experientiae Spirituales 4867 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4867. Sed angeli qui in intelligentia sunt, et appercipiunt multa et innumera apud se et apud alios in una affectione, et quoque in una rei idea, illi enuntiant quoque ad similitudinem affectionis, seu affectioni convenientis, ita ut omnia simul ibi includantur quae sentiunt et cogitant; angelica haec loquela non percipitur a spiritibus nisi per aliquod commune apperceptibile in sono, inde constare potest, quam elegans, pulchra, deliciosa et jucunda sit angelorum loquela, nam affectiones apud illos, quas loquela exprimunt, quia a Domino, sunt coelestes.

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