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《灵界经历》 第4880节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4880

4880. They are above the left side of the head, quite far away, and spread out from a certain mountain there, where a man clothed with a long beard, whom some believe to be God the Father, sits on the peak. They are situated around this mountain and seem to themselves to dwell among the rocks and to be protected there. When they do not want to be seen, they gather on the backside of the mountain; from there they spread themselves forward to the right, but along the descent.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4880

4880. They are above the left side of the head, at a considerable distance; and they extend from a certain mountain there, where, on the summit, sits an aged man with a long beard, whom certain ones believe to be God the Father. They [i. e. the dragon-spirits] are around this mountain, and appear to themselves to dwell among rocky places, and to be secure there. When they do not wish to appear, they then repair to the back of the mountain. They spread themselves out thence towards the right, forwards, but [by] a descending way.

Experientiae Spirituales 4880 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4880. Sunt supra sinistram partem capitis, ad multam distantiam, et extendunt se a quodam monte ibi, ubi homo vetustus cum longa barba sedet, in cacumine, quem quidam credunt Deum Patrem esse, circum hunc montem sunt, et apparent sibi inter petrosa habitare, et quod tuti ibi sint, cum non volunt apparere tunc se conferunt a tergo montis; extendunt se inde versus dextrum antrorsum, sed [per] descensum.

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