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《灵界经历》 第4881节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4881

4881. These are those who treacherously attack all, both those who are there and upright spirits who do not believe as they themselves do. And they persecute them with every kind of trickery and malice, believing that they are at liberty to persecute them with impunity and to do evil to all who do not believe as they themselves. They consider honesty in life as unimportant. These are also those who make common cause with the hells, pouring into them and letting them know the things they see below. And they open their sight [to see them], as has been said above [4874]. And so they destroy them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4881

4881. There are those who plot against all who do not believe as they do, also against those who are there, as for example, upright spirits; and they persecute them with all imaginable guile and malice, believing that it is lawful to persecute these with impunity, and to do evil to all who do not believe just as they do. Probity of life they make of no account. These also are they who make one with the hells, and inflow into the hells, and reveal to them what they see below, and open their sight, as was said above [Nos. 4874, 4875], and who thus destroy.

Experientiae Spirituales 4881 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4881. Illi sunt qui ibi insidiantur omnibus qui non credunt sicut ipsi, tam qui ibi sunt, ut probi spiritus, et illos dolo et malitia quacunque persequuntur; credentes quod impune liceat persequi illos, et malefacere omnibus qui non credunt sicut ipsi, vitae probitatem nihili faciunt. Illi etiam sunt qui cum infernis unum faciunt, et influunt in inferna, et revelant illis quae infra vident, et aperiunt illorum visum, ut supra dictum est [4874] qui sic perdunt.

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