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《灵界经历》 第490节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 490

490. Those hymns which the two childlike choirs composed, could not be disturbed by fantasies. There was one boastful spirit trying to disturb them, but the fantasies were as nothing. From this I was able to infer what influence fantasies have upon spiritual and heavenly, or angelic elements: they are too gross to be able to bring about any change. It would be as though what is gross tried to enter into what is refined, or the final outcome into the beginnings, or the body into the soul. This, as human philosophy well enough knows, is a contradiction. Similarly, bodily and earthly elements cannot enter into truly spiritual and heavenly ones. 1748, the 18th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 490

490. Those hymns which two infantile choirs formed could not be disturbed by phantasies. A certain phantastic spirit wanted to disturb them, but his phantasies were as if of no account, so that I could thence conclude what influx phantasies have into spiritual and celestial and thus into angelic things: for they are too gross to operate any alteration, and it was as though something heavy wanted to flow into that which is subtle, or an effect into its principles, or as the body into the soul, which is altogether contradictory, as human philosophy can well know. Thus things corporeal and natural cannot enter into those that are truly spiritual and celestial. 1748, Jan. 18.

Experientiae Spirituales 490 (original Latin 1748-1764)

490. Hymni isti, quos bini chori infantiles formabant, non potuerunt disturbari a phantasiis, quidam phantasta 1

{a} spiritus, voluit eos turbare, sed phantasiae erant sicut nihili, sic quid influxus habeant phantasiae in spiritualia et coelestia, sic in angelica, inde concludere potui: sunt enim crassiora, quam ut aliquam alterationem operari potuissent, ac foret sicut crassum influere vellet in id quod subtile est, seu effectus in principia, aut sicut corpus in animam, quod prorsus contradictorium est, sicut philosophia humana bene nosse potest: sic corporea et naturalia non possunt intrare in vere spiritualia et coelestia. 1748, die 18 Jan.


1. The Manuscript has phantiasta

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