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《灵界经历》 第4894节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4894

4894. About the heavens, and a description of them

My sight was opened, and I was taken to see the heavens, which was done by my being raised out of the state in which I was. When I had been elevated, I was granted to see the sun to the right, where, in a large, broad tract, there appeared mountains one after the other. It was said that there are ornamental parks, gardens, and cultivated places of various kinds in these mountains. There were large cities everywhere, and consequently a great number of people. Higher and higher mountains which were still better cultivated were also seen there again and again, and also a magnificent palace. It was like this all through this tract on the right because mountains like this stand for the good of love. They are in a brighter and purer Divine aura there.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4894


My sight was opened, and I was brought to see the heavens; and this occurred through elevation from the state in which I was. When I was elevated, it was granted me to see the sun at the right hand, where, in a great and wide tract of land, appeared mountains, one close beside another; and it was said, that in those mountains are paradises, gardens and cultivated places of various kinds. In other places are great cities, thus a multitude of men. There also appeared, here and there in that place, higher and higher mountains, which were still better cultivated, and where were magnificent palaces. So it was throughout that whole tract, to the right; for such mountains signify the goods of love. Those there are in a purer and more luminous Divine sphere.

Experientiae Spirituales 4894 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4894. De coelis et eorum descriptione

Aperiebatur visus et ferebar ad videndum coelos, quod factum per elevationem ex statu in quo eram; cum elevatus sum, dabatur videre solem ad dextrum, ubi magno et amplo tractu apparebant montes, unus juxta alterum, et dictum quod in montibus illis sint paradisi, horti et culta varii generis, alibi urbes magnae, sic multitudo hominum, apparebant etiam ibi passim montes altiores et altiores, qui adhuc melius culti, ubi etiam palatia magnifica; ita erat per totum illum tractum ad dextrum, montes enim tales significant bona amoris, ibi sunt in sphaera Divina illustriore et puriore.

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