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《灵界经历》 第4895节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4895

4895. On the right side was seen a thick, dark forest, where it was said those are sent who are immersed in falsities. I was even taken down there, which amazed those who were watching. I was led through the forest a bit, and then ridges came into view, quite high, that stretched out not sidewise but lengthwise, so far that they disappeared from sight. Those dwell there, it was said, who have truth and not as yet goodness to the same extent. On the left side, cliffs were seen there and below them a forest-like darkness where bands of hellish spirits were wandering, some of whom, through different attempts, wanted to struggle out through the cliffs. Those who struggle out are driven back because they are evil. It was said [that] these ridges do not become larger but smaller and become lower, to the point where they finally come down to a plane, and when the plane begins, all is well.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4895

4895. On the right side, there appeared a dense and dark forest, concerning which it was said that those are sent thither who are in falses. I was brought thither also - which they who saw marveled at. I was conveyed somewhat through that forest; and then came in view quite lofty rocks, which extended (not in height, but in length) to such a distance that they passed away from the sight. Those were said to dwell there who are in truths, but not yet, by this means, in good. On the left side, there appeared precipices, and beneath were shady places, as it were woody, where wandered an infernal crew, a part of whom desired by various efforts to struggle up the precipices. Those who struggle forth are driven back, because they are evil. It was said that those rocks do not increase, but diminish, and become lower, until at last they become a level surface - and when it becomes level, then it is well.

Experientiae Spirituales 4895 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4895. Ad latus dextrum ibi apparebat densa et opaca sylva, de qua dicebatur quod illuc mittantur qui in falsis; illuc etiam delatus sum, quod mirabant qui videbant, traducebar aliquantum per illam sylvam, et tunc in conspectum venerunt rupes, satis altae, quae pergebant non in amplum sed in longum, ad tantam distantiam, ut evanescerent cum visu: ibi dicebantur habitare qui in veris, et nondum ita in bono; ad latus sinistrum ibi apparebant praerupta, et infra opaca sicut sylvarum, ubi vagabantur turba infernalis, quorum pars per varia molimina per praerupta eniti voluit; qui enituntur, repelluntur, quia mali sunt. Dicebatur quod rupes illae non amplientur sed decrescant, et humiliores fiant, usque tandem ad planitiem, et cum fit planities, tunc bene est.

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