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《灵界经历》 第4897节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4897

4897. As regards the hells, they are below. There are forests there; there are swamps there; there is rubble; there are well-like pits which they go down into. And below there are various squalid placesנlike those for wild animals of various kinds, with latrines, and places like the haunts of thieves, also filthy ponds and fetid waters. And the lower down they are, the more rotten smelling and worse they are.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4897

4897. As respects the hells, these are beneath, and here there are forests, there marshes, there ruins, there pits, as of wells, into which they descend: below are various filthy places, like dens of wild beasts of various kinds, along with privies: there, likewise, are such places as robbers frequent; also filthy ponds and fetid waters, and the lower you go the more fetid and bad [things become].

Experientiae Spirituales 4897 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4897. Quod inferna attinet, illa sunt infra, et ibi sylvae, ibi paludes, ibi rudera, ibi foveae sicut puteorum, in quas descendent, et infra varia loca squalida, sicut pro feris varii generis cum latrinis, et loca qualia latronum, etiam stagna squalida et aquae putidae, et quo inferius eo putidius et pejus.

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