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《灵界经历》 第491节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 491

491. Once again I heard hymnists, or those singing the praise of our Savior. In fact, a number of choirs were heard singing at the same time about a variety of subjects, by means of visual displays and mental imagery. And yet they are one chorus, consisting of very many, and acting at the same time as one, without any confusion from each other, so that one was in the other, or inside of the other, even outside of the other.

In this way the whole angelic heaven customarily devotes itself to the praise and glory of the Savior. This is why musical harmony and singing is so delicious to the heavenly ones when the thoughts of a person on earth are concordant with their ideas. I have often experienced in churches, that the heavenly choirs have joined in, with a very deep sense of gladness, unbelievable, and thus unutterable, to anyone. 1748, the 21st day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 491

491. I again heard the hymn-singers, or those who were singing the praise of our Savior, about diverse objects by means of representations and ideas. There were a number of choirs together, and still it was one choir consisting of very many, and at the same time acting as one, without confusion from one another: thus they acted as one upon the other, or within the other, and also outside the other. In this way the universal angelic heaven is accustomed to be devoted to the praise and glory of the Savior. Hence with the heavenly ones there is such delicious musical harmony and singing, when the thoughts of man are concordant with their ideas, as I have often experienced in churches: the angelic choirs have been concordant with a more interior perception of gladness credible to none, thus ineffable. 1748, Jan. 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 491 (original Latin 1748-1764)

491. Iterum mihi auditi sunt hymnici seu cantantes laudem Salvatoris nostri, et quidem aliquot chori simul, de diversis objectis, per repraesentationes et ideas, et usque unus chorus, qui ex permultis constat, et simul agunt sicut unus, absque confusione ab altero, sic ut unus in altero, seu intra alterum, tum etiam extra alterum sint, ita dari solet universum coelum angelicum in laudem et gloriam Salvatoris, inde harmonia musica, et cantus tam delitiosus est coelestibus, quando cogitationes hominis cum eorum ideis concordant, quod saepe expertus in templis, quod angelici chori concordaverint, cum intimiori perceptione laetitiae, nulli credibili, sic ineffabili. 1748, die 21 Jan.

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