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《灵界经历》 第492节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 492

492. Continuing about the heavenly Choirs, their provinces in the human body, and their functions

While I was awake, again many angelic choirs were celebrating their Savior by their songs, and indeed, many at the same time, with a varying sound I did not understand, even though they were executing each and every note very clearly (for the more subtle or inward the subject, the better articulated it is). They were celebrating God the Messiah in different ways, and even though there were many praising at the same time, it was evident from the tonal modulations that there was wide variety among them. I learned what those varieties are in general, namely three: those who perform solely by visual portrayals; those who do so visually and at the same time vocally, which seemed to me to be very refined, sounding as if subtly winged [cf. 412] and as if they were the least of those who can be called lives; there are others who perform by voice only.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 492


When I was awake, many angelic choirs were again celebrating their Savior by their songs. There were, in truth, many together, with a variety of sound which I did not understand, although they did each and everything most distinctly, for the more subtly or interiorly they act, the more distinctly do they do so. They celebrate God Messiah in various ways. Although there were many celebrating at the same time, it could be evident from the variety of sound that there was a great variety of these choirs. I learnt of what quality are three of their varieties in general: namely, there are those who act by means of representations alone; there are those who act both by representations and at the same time by words, who seemed to me to be most subtle, as they sounded as if they were subtly winged, and as though they were the least of those who can be called lives. The other kind are those who act by means of words alone.

Experientiae Spirituales 492 (original Latin 1748-1764)

492. De Choris angelicis, continuatio, eorum provinciae in corpore humano, et munia 1

In vigilia iterum plures chori angelici per suos cantus celebrabant Salvatorem suum; et quidem plures simul, cum varietate soni, quem non intelligebam, tametsi distinctissime 1

omnia et singula agerent, nam quo subtilius seu intimius, eo distinctius; celebrabant Deum Messiam varie: tametsi plures essent, qui simul celebrarent, ex soni varietate constare potuit, quod varietas multa eorum daretur, didici quales varietates eorum sunt in genere, nempe tres, ii nempe qui per solas repraesentationes agunt; ii qui tam per repraesentationes et simul per voces, qui 2

subtilissimi mihi visi, sicut subtile alati 3

sonabant, ac sicut minimi eorum, qui possunt vitae dici; sunt alii qui per voces solum agunt.


1. haec portio tituli serius addita est

1. The Manuscript has didistinctissime

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has quae

3. cf. 412

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