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《灵界经历》 第493节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 493

493. Moreover, there are also outward angels doing the same thing, whose action reached my perception - pictorial performers as well as vocal ones, and those who performed in both ways at the same time.

But the varieties are such as cannot yet be well described. For these varieties are entirely comparable not only to the lives of individuals, but also to the lives of all our inner parts; because no type [of spirit] exists that does not refer to some member, or to some aspect of an inner part, of the human body, for the reason spoken of earlier [486, 488]. Therefore they are allotted provinces, and functions, in the Body of our Savior. 1


1. In the original this sentence is emphasized by the symbol "NB." written twice in the margin.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 493

493. Moreover, there are also those who are exterior and act in like manner, whose actions came to my perception, both those who act by representations, and these who act by words, and those who act by both together at the same time; but the varieties are such as cannot as yet be well described. For varieties are circumstanced altogether according to the lives, not only of the man, but also of all his viscera, since there is no genus given which does not relate to a member or subject of the internal viscera of some human body for the cause of which see above [nos. 486, 488. Thus provinces and functions are allotted to them in the body of our Savior.

Experientiae Spirituales 493 (original Latin 1748-1764)

493. Praeterea etiam sunt qui exteriores sunt, et simile agunt, quorum actiones ad meam perceptionem venerunt, tam qui per repraesentationes, quam qui per voces, et qui per utrumque simul, sed varietates sunt tales, ut non bene adhuc describi possint, nam varietates se habent, prorsus secundum vitas non hominis solum, sed omnium ejus viscerum, quia nullum datur genus quod non ad corporis humani aliquod 1

membrum seu visceris interni subjectum [se] referat 2

, ex causa de qua prius [486, 488], sic in Corpore Salvatoris nostri sortiuntur provincias, et munia.


1. The Manuscript has alicujus

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has referant

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