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《灵界经历》 第4935节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4935

4935. About faith in doctrinal matters and the Word without doing

There is a faith that believes in the things that are in the Word without believing in God. Believing in God is listening and doing; nevertheless, believing the things that are from God is called faith, but it is not faith. I was given to see this in a spiritual mental image. Two who were naked were with me from the heavenly kingdom, and one had such a faith. And then it was definitely known that a faith that is a belief in things that are from God, even in the Word, is in no way a faith that saves but, lacking the prior condition [of belief in God], is a faith in which there is nothing saving. It is an outward appearance of faith produced by persuasion.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4935


A faith which believes those things that are in the Word, may exist apart from a belief in God. Believing in God is hearing and doing. Believing those things which are from God, however, is called faith, but it is not faith. It was granted me to perceive this in a spiritual idea. There were with me two from the celestial kingdom who were naked, and one who was in such a faith; and it was then clearly ascertained that a faith which consists in believing those things which are from God, and also those which are in the Word, is by no means the faith which saves, but that, without the former kind, it is a faith in which there is nothing saving. It is a species of persuasive faith.

Experientiae Spirituales 4935 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4935. De fide doctrinalium et Verbi absque facere

Fides credere illa quae in Verbo datur absque credere in Deum, credere in Deum est audire et facere, at credere illa quae a Deo, dicitur fides sed non est fides; hoc datum est percipere idea spirituali, erant apud me bini ex regno coelesti, qui nudi, et unus qui in tali fide, et tunc compertum clare, quod fides quae est credere illa quae a Deo, etiam in Verbo, nequaquam sit fides quae salvat, sed quod absque priori sit fides in qua nulla salus, est species fidei persuasivae.

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