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《灵界经历》 第4936节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4936

4936. About Churches in the other life and about outward and inward holiness

They have Churches in the other life and they preach, in certain places incessantly, so that they can always go in and out. They are seated there according to their state of life, so much so that the preacher can tell simply from the place where they are what they are like. At the right are those who have love's goodness, on the left those who have faith's truths, and the former and the latter are situated according to what is good and true in them. In the middle are those who combine them. It is evident from this that even a congregation has reference to a human being and corresponds to one to the extent possible.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4936


They have churches in the other life; and in some places they preach continually, so that persons can enter and go away at all times. They recline therein according to the state of their life; so that they can be discriminated by the preacher as to their quality, merely from the situation of the place in which they are. On the right are those who are in the good of love; on the left, those who are in the truths of faith - both the former and the latter according to the good and according to the truth with them; and in the middle, those who conjoin; from which it is manifest that even a society there represents a man; and those in it correspond, as far as possible.

Experientiae Spirituales 4936 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4936. De Ecclesiis in altera vita, et de sancto externo et interno

Habent Ecclesias in altera vita, ac praedicant, quibusdam in locis continue, sic ut intrare et exire semper possint, ibi decumbunt secundum statum vitae eorum, adeo, ut possint a praedicatore discerni ex solo situ loci in quo sunt, quales sunt, ad dextrum qui in bono amoris, ad sinistrum qui in veris fidei, et illi et hi secundum bonum et secundum verum apud illos, in medio qui conjungunt, ex quo patet, quod etiam societas ibi referat hominem, et correspondeat, quantum fieri potest.

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