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《灵界经历》 第4934节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4934

4934. Those of the Christians who believe there is no Divinity have their own hell, behind a little to the left in a corner there, where the deepest down are those who have the strongest belief, for there are degrees of belief. One who had the strongest was C[harles] XII 1; he was sent down to the very depths. His power of persuasion was deadly, such that he could kill people with his power of persuasion, as was shown to many.


1. For information on this person see footnote to passage 4704.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4934

4934. Those from among Christians who are in the persuasion that there is no Divine, have their hell a little back, to the left, in a corner there, where those are deepest who have been in the greatest persuasiveness; for there are degrees of persuasion. He who was in the greatest was Charles XII. He was let down to a very great depth, because he was in so deadly a persuasive faculty that he was able to destroy men by his persuasive art. This was also shown to many.

Experientiae Spirituales 4934 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4934. Qui a Christianis in persuasione quod non Divinum sit, illi habent suum infernum retro paulum ad sinistrum in angulo ibi, ubi sunt profundissime, qui in maximo persuasivo fuerunt, sunt enim gradus persuasionis, qui in maximo fuit C. XII, ille demissus est profundissime, qui in persuasivo necativo erat, sic ut necare posset homines per persuasivum, etiam id ostensum multis.

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