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《灵界经历》 第4948节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4948

4948. After this, using magical arts, she wanted to go into the hell of the sirens, into which no one is admitted. She wanted to release certain women from that place. And she undertook this using frightening magical arts, turning herself into various serpentine forms, and as such slipped through into it. In this way she drew to herself those whom she wanted to release from there. They were the worst of all. But to prevent her from carrying out this atrocious crime, she was forcibly thrown into this hell, and there she lay.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4948

4948. After this, she wished to enter by magical arts into the hells of the sirens, into which no one is admitted. She wished to take certain ones away from thence; and this she effected through dreadful magical arts - by turning herself into various serpentine forms - and, as it were, penetrated in thither. She thus drew to herself those whom she wished to take away from thence, who were the worst of all; but when she had done that execrable deed, she was cast in with violence, and there she lay.

Experientiae Spirituales 4948 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4948. Postea per magicas artes intrare voluit in infernum sirenum, in quod nemo admittitur, voluit inde eximere quasdam, et hoc peregit per diras artes magicas, se vertendo in varias formas serpentinas, et sicut penetrabat illuc, ita ad se trahebat illas quas inde eximere vellet, quae erant omnium pessimae, sed ne facinus id nefandum faceret, illa vi injecta fuit, et ibi jacuit.

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