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《灵界经历》 第497节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 497

497. Every spirit can be controlled through the feelings, and thus be brought to whatever it pleases the Savior. Then they are brought whithersoever it pleases Him; but they should still be carried along by understanding. This is so for many reasons, the principal one being that character, and thus will, must necessarily develop through understanding in order for the person to participate in it; for without the exercise of our understanding, we do not realize that our own self is involved. There are very many further reasons, having to do with the human being's regeneration.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 497

497. Every spirit can be governed by affections, and thus [led] to whatever is well-pleasing to the Savior. They are then carried whithersoever He pleases, but, nevertheless, they must be carried by intellectual things for several reasons, especially because the disposition and thus the will must be formed by things intellectual, in order that the man may at the same time have his part [in the formation], for without his intellectual man would not know that his proprium is present, besides very many other matters which have regard to the regeneration of man.

Experientiae Spirituales 497 (original Latin 1748-1764)

497. Unusquisque spiritus per affectiones potest regi, et sic [ferri] ad quodcunque Salvatori beneplacet, tunc feruntur quocunque placet, sed usque per intellectualia 1

ferendi sunt, ob plures causas, praecipue, quia per intellectualia formanda sit indoles, et sic voluntas, ut nempe homo suam partem simul habeat, nam absque intellectuali ejus, non scit homo, quod proprium ejus adsit, praeter plura permulta, quae ad regenerationem hominis spectant.


1. The Manuscript has intellectuali

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