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《灵界经历》 第498节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 498

498. About accountability

That a person does not have any selfhood when the will is removed, is evident from sleep. In sleep, the voluntary part is absent, so that one does not have control over any part individually, but the whole body lies at the bidding of involuntary impulses. For this reason, one is then accountable for nothing, because of being asleep.

From this also it can be somewhat evident what causes the accountability for evil, and what things, both in men and in spirits, are to be accounted to them. This subject is very extensive, and known only to our Savior. 1748, 21 January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 498


That man has no proprium when the will is taken away is evident from sleep. In sleep his voluntary is absent, whence it has no command over any member, but the whole body lies delivered over to the spontaneous [respiration]; wherefore nothing is then imputed to him because he is asleep. Hence also it can be evident to some extent, whence is the imputation of evil, and what things are to be imputed, both with men and with spirits, which is a very prolix subject, known to our Savior alone. 1748, Jan. 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 498 (original Latin 1748-1764)

498. De imputatione 1

Quod homo non proprium habeat, quando voluntas aufertur, constat a somno, in somno voluntarium ejus abest, inde nulli membro imperat, sed totum corpus jacet spontaneis addictum, quare tunc nihil ei imputatur, quia in somno, inde etiam aliquantum constare potest, unde imputatio mali, et quae imputanda, tam penes homines, quam penes spiritus, quae materia est perquam prolixa; Salvatori nostro unice nota. 1748, 21 Jan.


1. hic. titulus postscriptum interlineale est, post spectant apparens

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