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《灵界经历》 第499节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

499.关于天上的身体续。你会看到前面(486, 488, 493节)说,整个天堂都与我们救主的身体有关,祂掌管整个宇宙,就像宇宙是祂的身体一样,因而毫无困难;若非每一个和一切事物都与祂的身体有关,并由祂掌管,宇宙就会消散。在祂的身体里,就像在人体中那样,可以说有两个国度,一个属于心,一个属于肺。属于心的那一个被称为属天的,属于肺的那一个被称为属灵的。这两个国度奇妙地结合在一起,无论这一个还是那一个,都在身体的每一个区域中掌权,但各自以不同的方式掌权。

499 1/2.我被告知,一代的成员们在大人里面单独形成一个独特的国度,他们也如在人里面那样与众不同。

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 499

499. Continuation about the heavenly body

You may see it has been said [486, 488, 493] that the universal heaven relates to the Body of our Savior, Who governs the universe as if it were His body, thus without any difficulty; and that the universe would be dispersed if all and the least things did not relate to His body and were not controlled by Him.

In His body are two kingdoms, so to speak, just as in the human body; one pertains to the heart and the other to the lungs. The one pertaining to the heart is called heavenly, and the one pertaining to the lungs is called spiritual. These two kingdoms are united in a wonderful manner; and the one and the other govern in every single region [of the body], though each in its distinct way.

499. 1/2. I have been told that the generative members compose by themselves a distinct kingdom, just as in the human also they are distinct or separated from the rest.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 499


You will see it was said [n. 488 ] that the entire heaven relates to the Body of our Savior, Who governs the universe as His Body, thus without any difficulty, and that the universe would be dissipated unless each and all things did refer to His Body and were governed by Him. In His Body, as in the human body, there are, as it were two kingdoms, one pertaining to the heart, and the other to the lungs. That which pertains to the heart is called celestial, that which pertains to the lungs is called spiritual, and these two kingdoms are wonderfully united, and both the one and the other rule in each single province, but distinctly.

499 1/2. It was told me that the members of generation form by themselves a distinct kingdom [in the Grand Man], and they also are distinct or separate as in man.

Experientiae Spirituales 499 (original Latin 1748-1764)

499. Continuatio de corpore coelesti

Dictum videas [486, 488, 493], quod universum coelum se referat ad Corpus Salvatoris nostri, Qui regit universum, sicut Suum corpus, ita absque omni difficultate, ac universum dissiparetur, nisi omnia et singula ad Ipsius corpus se referrent, et ab Ipso regerentur: in corpore Ipsius 1

sunt bina quasi regna, sicut in corpore humano, unum pertinet ad cor, et alterum ad pulmones, quod ad cor, vocatur coeleste, quod ad pulmones, vocatur spirituale, quae duo regna mirabiliter uniuntur, et unum et alterum regnat in singulis provinciis, sed distincte.

499a. Mihi dictum est, quod 1

membra generationis per se distinctum forment regnum, sicut 2

in homine etiam distincta sunt, seu separata.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has Ipso

1. The Manuscript has quood

2. The Manuscript has et sicut

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