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《灵界经历》 第5000节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5000

5000. About the love of commanding, and about the command exercised by love.

I have spoken with spirits about the love of commanding. They thought that it was not permissible to command, but it was said that it is permissible to command, but that the love of commanding comes from one of two origins: either from love for oneself or from love toward the neighbor. Those who rule from self-love and not from love of the neighbor are all devils because they do everything from themselves and not from the Lord. Individuals like this rush into all manner of atrocious evils, such as hatreds, acts of revenge, cruelties. They don't care for any other use than what serves them, thus what serves for profit. But those who command from a love for the neighbor can be raised to high positions because they have regarded use as the end in view, use to the fellow citizen, use to the city, use to the kingdom of the Lord. Thus they have regard for the neighbor. The good that is use is the neighbor. Through them the Lord exercises command, for they fear the Lord and love truth, good, and use, thus God, that is, the Lord. The commands of such people are good, and their commands are the command of love. For when spiritual and heavenly love command, then the Lord commands.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5000


I spoke with spirits concerning the love of ruling. They supposed that it was not lawful for anyone to rule; but it was said that it is lawful to rule, but that the love of ruling is from two origins, from self-love, and from love towards the neighbor. Those who rule from self-love, and not from love of the neighbor, are devils, because they do all things from themselves, and not from the Lord. Such rush into all abominable evils, such as hatreds, revenges and cruelties. They do not regard use, otherwise than for the sake of themselves, thus, on account of gain. But they who rule from love towards the neighbor can be exalted to great dignities; for they regard uses as the end, use to their fellow-citizen, use to the city, use to the kingdom of the Lord. Thus they have respect to the neighbor. The neighbor is the good which relates to use. By means of these the Lord rules; for they fear the Lord, and love truth, good and use, therefore God, that is, the Lord. Such rulers are good, and their rule is the rule of love; indeed when spiritual and celestial love rules, then the Lord rules.

Experientiae Spirituales 5000 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5000. De amore imperandi, et de imperio amoris

Loquutus cum spiritibus de amore imperandi, putabant quod nulli liceret imperare, sed dictum quod liceat imperare, sed amor imperandi ex duabus originibus est, ex amore sui et amore erga proximum, qui ex amore sui et non ex amore proximi imperant, illi sunt diaboli, quia ex se omnia faciunt, et non ex Domino, tales in omnia mala nefanda ruunt, sicut in odia, vindictas et saevitias; illi non alium usum spectant, quam propter se, ita propter lucra; at qui ex amore erga proximum imperant, illi possunt evehi ad dignitates magnas, nam spectant usus pro fine, usum concivis, usum urbis, usum regni Domini, ita spectant proximum, proximus est bonum quod est usus; per illos Dominus imperat, nam timent Dominum, et amant verum, bonum, et usum, ita Deum, hoc est, Dominum, talium imperia sunt bona, et illorum imperium est imperium amoris: nam cum amor spiritualis et coelestis imperat, tunc Dominus imperat.

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