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《灵界经历》 第5001节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5001

5001. In the other life it cannot be other than that certain [people] command, certain obey. [Certain] have brought a life of command with them from the world and have this aura, and the aura produces subordination. A way of life accustomed to obeying is brought along by those who have been in subordinate positions in the world. They know no other way of life, nor do they desire one. Consequently it is necessary that there be command, but it must be the command of spiritual and heavenly love. Those who command in this way see others as equal to themselves, love them, and do good to them; it is the reverse with the command of hellish and diabolical love.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5001

5001. In the other life, it cannot be otherwise than that some rule and some obey. Some have taken with themselves the life of ruling from the world, and have that sphere, and from that sphere [there results] subordination. Some, who have served in the world, have acquainted the life of obedience. They know of, and wish, nothing else. Hence, ruling is necessary; but it must be the rule of spiritual and celestial love. They who thus regard others as equal to themselves love them and do them good. It is the reverse with the rule of infernal and diabolical love.

Experientiae Spirituales 5001 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5001. In altera vita non aliter potest esse quam quod quidam imperent, quidam obediant, vitam imperandi traxerunt secum e mundo, et habent illam sphaeram, et ex sphaera subordinationem; vitam obediendi traxerunt qui serviverunt in mundo, non aliud sciunt, et volunt, inde necessario est imperare, sed erit imperium amoris spiritualis et coelestis, qui sic imperant vident alios sibi aequales, amant illos, et faciunt illis bonum: vice versa se habet, cum imperio amoris infernalis et diabolici.

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