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《灵界经历》 第5006节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5006

5006. When it was discovered that he had been such in this place of fantasy and had been cast down from there and rolled in the accursed dust, he at length arose and said from that lower place where he had gone that he was the Lord, now on earth, after this that he was God. The Catholic crowd round about adored and acknowledged him. Wherever he went then, they fell on their knees, especially those who were in the surrounding mountains. And they did this no matter how much they were told he was insane and that self-love, or the love of commanding, thus diabolical love, was all that ruled him. Finally even the Jesuits came down and surrounded him in crowds and cried out their acknowledgment. He also went below twice, saying that he was going to hell to bind the devil and that he would then free the bound, besides much else. And he gave consent to belief in purgatory, at which assent they shouted with joy, besides many other such diabolical things. But at the end, having been acknowledged, both sirens and those like them encircled him with a feeble light, from which a yet stronger conviction [arose that he was divine].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5006

5006. When it was detected that there was such a one in that place of phantasy, and he was cast down from thence and rolled in the accursed dust, he at length arose, and said, from that lower place where he went, that he was the Lord, now on the earths; afterwards, that he was God. The Catholic crew round about adored and acknowledged him. Then, wherever he went, they, and especially those who were on the surrounding mountains, fell on their knees; and they did this, no matter if they were told that he was insane, and that only the love of self, or of ruling, thus, a diabolical love, governed him. At length, the Jesuits also descended, and surrounded him in crowds, and shouted aloud acknowledging him. He also descended below, twice, saying that [he was going] to hell and would bind the devil, and that, after that, he would liberate those who were bound, and many other things. And he gave in his assent to the belief in purgatory, which assent they greeted with much applause; besides many such diabolical things. But, at length, he was recognized; and the sirens and their like surrounded him with a fatuous light, and thence his persuasion became still greater.

Experientiae Spirituales 5006 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5006. Cum detectum est, quod talis in phantastico illo loco fuerit et inde dejectus, et volutus in pulvere damnato, tandem assurgebat, et dixit ab inferiore illo loco, ubi ibat, quod esset Dominus, nunc in terris, postea quod esset Deus, turba Catholica circumcirca adorabant eum, et agnoscebant; tunc ubi vadebat, procumbebant in genua, imprimis illi qui in montibus circumcirca, et hoc faciebant utcunque illis dicebatur quod insanus esset, et quod modo amor sui seu imperandi, ita amor diabolicus regeret illum, tandem etiam Jesuitae descendebant, et circumdabant illum turmatim, et acclamabant, agnoscendo; descendit etiam bis infra dicens quod ad infernum [iret] et vinciret diabolum, et dein quod liberaret vinctos, praeter plura; et consensum dabat ad fidem purgatorii, ad quem assensum multa acclamatione gaudebant, praeter plura talia diabolica; sed tandem agnitus, et sirenes et similes circumdabant illum lumine fatuo, unde adhuc major persuasio.

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