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《灵界经历》 第5007节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5007

5007. About those who sit behind a person

Those who enter into a person's affections and thoughts sit behind, below and above, closer or further away; those who are behind are where the loins are. They enter into the affections of a person's thoughts and once they have come to a person, they do not leave until death. These are they who are present in a person's dominant affection. Those who sit higher, a bit further off, of whom there are many, enter a person's thoughts, and those who sit close by, almost under the occiput, enter a person's speech, so that the person speaks from them and virtually with their tone of voice. I know this from experience.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5007


Those who enter into the affections and thoughts of man are stationed at the back, below and above, nearer or more remotely. Those who are at the back in the region of the loins, enter into the affections of his thoughts, and when they once come to a man, do not leave him till death. These are the ones who are in his ruling affection. Those who are stationed higher up, somewhat remotely, and who are very numerous, enter into the man's thoughts; and those who are almost next under the occiput enter into his speech, so that man speaks from them, and from their voice, as it were. These things are from experience.

Experientiae Spirituales 5007 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5007. De illis qui assident homini a tergo

Qui intrant in hominis affectiones et cogitationes, assident a tergo, infra et supra, propius et remotius, qui a tergo ubi lumbi, illi intrant in cogitationis ejus affectiones, et illi cum semel ad hominem veniunt, non relinquunt illum usque ad mortem, sunt illi qui sunt in ejus affectione dominante. Qui superius assident remote aliquantum, qui sunt plures, illi intrant in hominis cogitationes; et qui proxime paene sub occipitio, intrant in ejus loquelam, sic ut homo ab illis, et ex illorum quasi sono loquatur; haec ab experientia.

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