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《灵界经历》 第5008节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5008

5008. About wonderful feats of magic

There was a certain one who shone around the face like an angel, to the degree that he was bathed in light. It was (Carl Gyllenb[org] 1). It was then discovered where the light came from. He had been given a cap (mossa 2) from which he shone in this way when he put it on. It had been given to him as a gift, by a certain man. It had been made by magic. He also had the Book of Psalms, which gave him protection where he was and by which he also had power. He also had a knife for cutting pens, which too had been made by magic. He had a box of tobacco as well, through which he exerted influence in the lowest natural matters, which interact with the teeth. But when he had these things, he acted without thinking, as it were from instinct. However, when these things were taken away from him, he then came somewhat into his earlier state of mind.


1. Count Carl Gyllenborg (1679-1746), Swedish diplomat, Chancellor of Upsala Academy and later Prime Minister (1739).

2. Swedish for "cap"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5008


There was a certain one who shone about the face, like an angel, so that he was in light. It was Carl Gyllenborg. It was then discovered from whence that was, [namely,] that he has received a cap (mossa), from which, when it was put on, he thus shone. This, which was made up by magic, was given to him by some one, as a present. He also had the Book of Psalms, whereby he was secure where he was, and also had power. He also had a pen-knife, which also was made by magic; he also had a tobacco-box, by which he inflowed into my naturals which correspond to the teeth. But, when he had these things, he acted as if deprived of mind, acting, as it were, from instinct. But, when these things were taken away from him, then he came to something of his former mind.

Experientiae Spirituales 5008 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5008. De magicis mirabilibus

Quidam fuit, qui splenduit circum facie, sicut angelus, adeo ut esset in lumine, erat (Carl Gyllenb.), detectum dein unde id, quod acceperit tiaram (m�ssa, qua cum indutus ita splenduit, illa ei dono data est, a quodam, quae composita est magice. Habebat etiam librum Psalmorum, per quem tutus esset ubi esset, et quoque valeret: habebat etiam cultrum pro pennis, qui etiam magice factus; habebat etiam pyxidem tabaci, per quam influebat in ima naturalia, quae correspondent dentibus. Sed cum illa habuit, agebat sicut privatus mente, agendo quasi ex instinctu; cum autem illa ei ablata sunt, tunc ad aliquid mentis prioris venit.

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