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《灵界经历》 第5009节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5009

5009. But there was another magician, the most skillful of all, who had hatched up magic for a long time, but a kind of magic unlike the magic feats of those who are in the magical hell. He gathered another person's affections and thoughts, which because they are in the other life they are appearances of realities, and wrapped them around himself in various places, to the extent that he was clothed in them from head to toe. And then he took them off and laid them aside just so he could put them on again. He did this through the whole course of his life. He shaped thoughts into swaddling clothes, just as sirens do with their dolls. He even colored them depending on the affections. He believed that when he had collected everything of another person's life, he would then hold him bound and could lead him wherever he wanted. But eventually he was detected, and then a certain one was sent to him who stripped him of all these things, which was done for almost a whole hour without stop, and as this happened he gradually looked smaller and smaller. In this way, by the coverings being removed, he was deprived of all these things, and after this he was left alone. But then because he began the same things he was cast into hell.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5009

5009. But there was another magician, the most expert of all, who had long brooded upon magical arts, but a kind of magic unlike the magic of those who are in the magical hell. He collected the affections and thoughts of another, which, as appearances in the other life are real, he made fast around himself in various places, until he was entirely clothed with them from head to heel; and then he took them off, and replaced them, as if it was such that it could again be put on. He acted thus during the whole course of his life. He formed the thoughts into bundles, just like the sirens when they make their puppets; he also inserted colors according with the affections. He believed, that, [when] he has collected all the things of anyone's life, he would then hold him bound and could lead him whithersoever he would. But at length he was detected; and then there was sent to him a certain one who could strip him of all those things, which happened almost continuously for an entire hour, and then he appeared, gradually, less and less. Thus he was despoiled of all those things by the uncovering thereof, and was afterwards left; but, as he then commenced to do similar things, he was cast into hell.

Experientiae Spirituales 5009 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5009. Sed erat alius magus omnium solertissimus, qui magicis incubuerat diu, sed speciei magiae non simili magiis illorum qui in inferno magico, ille alterius affectiones et cogitationes colligebat, quae quia in altera vita sunt apparentiae realis, illas circum se alligavit variis in locis, usque dum prorsus illis indutus esset a capite ad calcem, et tunc exuit illas et reposuit sicut tale quod iterum indui posset, ita fecit per totum vitae suae cursum; cogitationes formabat in fascias, sicut sirenes cum suas pupas faciunt, etiam indebat colores secundum affectiones: ille credebat, quod cum collegerit omnia alicujus vitae, tunc teneret illum vinctum, et posset ducere illum quocunque vellet; sed tandem detectus, et tunc ad eum missus est quidam qui exueret eum omnibus illis, quod factum est fere per integram horam continue, et tunc sensim apparuit minor et minor; sic spoliatus est omnibus illis per retectionem eorum, et postea relictus, sed tunc quia exorsus similia, conjectus est in infernum.

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