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《灵界经历》 第5012节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5012

5012. About cities in the other life and about the city of London in England

While awake I was brought onto a rock, into a city there, and I was led around. The city was entirely like London: there were similar streets, similar houses, and similar public areas. It was like this from one end to the other. And it was asked who were there, and it was said that they were Englishman from London. It was quite a populous city. On my arrival there, those who were there asked who those with me were. But when it was learned that the ones with me did not have the same disposition and nature as those there, it was said that there was no place for them to live. It is also their custom to give keys to travelers, which are signs that they had been welcomed.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5012


I was conducted in a wakeful state into a city situated on a rock, and was led about. That city was altogether after the fashion of London. The streets were similar, the houses were similar, the open places were similar, thus, [it was similar] from one end to the other; and I inquired who dwelt there. It was said that they were Englishmen from London. The city was very popular. When I came thither, I inquired of those there who they were; but when it was discovered that those who accompanied me were not of a disposition and genius like those who lived there, it was said that there was no dwelling-place for them, anywhere. It is also their custom to give keys to strangers, which are signs that they were received.

Experientiae Spirituales 5012 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5012. De urbibus in altera vita, et de urbe Londini in Anglia

Perductus sum in vigilia supra petram, in urbem ibi, et circumducebar, erat illa urbs prorsus ad similitudinem Londini, similes plateae, et similes domus, et similia fora, ita ab uno fine ad alterum, et inquisitum, quinam ibi essent, dictum quod Angli e Londino, erat urbs satis populosa; cum illuc ventum esset, inquirebatur ab illis ibi, quinam essent, sed cum compertum quod non simili indole et genio essent qui mecum cum illis ibi, dictum quod nullibi habitatio; mos etiam est, ut dent peregrinis claves, quae sunt indicia quod reciperentur.

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