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《灵界经历》 第5011节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5011

5011. Continuation about Babylon

There was a certain one (it was C[harles] XII 1) who had had been purged to the point that he had nothing left of the life of heaven and then sat there feeble-minded. Those who are Babel, especially Jesuits, streamed into him and labored in every way to bring him to life. To accomplish this they sent their own members into and around him, from whom he again spoke almost as before, although he was almost like a statue. And it was shown that certain of those who streamed in made up his bodily parts, from the genitals on up to the crown of the head, so that together they made one devil. From this was shown that the Jesuits, who have a stronger desire to exercise command than others, together make up a single devil in the other life, because he into whom they streamed was a devil more than others. They did this for the purpose of destroying those who adored the Lord and not them.


1. For information on this person see footnote to passage 4704.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5011


There was a certain one (it was Charles XII) who was vastated until he had nothing of life from heaven remaining, and who, consequently, sat imbecile. Those who are Babel, especially the Jesuits, inflowed with him, and labored in every way that he might be revived; wherefore they sent their followers into and around him, and from them he again spoke nearly as formerly, although he was almost like a statue and it was shown that of those who inflowed, some constituted his limbs anteriorly, even from the genitals to the top of the head, so that they made up, together, one devil. Hence it was shown that the Jesuits, who, more than others, have the lust of ruling, together constituted one devil in the other life; for he [who] inflowed was a devil more than all others. They did this for the end that he might destroy those who adored the Lord and not them.

Experientiae Spirituales 5011 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5011. Continuatio de Babele

Erat quidam qui devastatus usque ut nihil vitae e coelo residuum haberet, (erat C. XII), et qui sic fatuus sedit, illi qui sunt Babel, imprimis Jesuitae, influebant apud illum, et omni modo laborabant, ut vivificaretur, quapropter in illum et circa illum miserunt suos, ex quibus iterum loquutus paene sicut prius, tametsi erat paene sicut simulacrum, et ostensum quod ex illis qui influebant, quidam faciebant membra ejus, usque a genitalibus anterius super caput, sic ut illi simul unum diabolum facerent, inde ostensum quod Jesuitae, quibus imperandi cupido prae aliis, simul fecerint unum diabolum in altera vita, nam ille in [quem] influebant, erat diabolus prae omnibus aliis. Hoc faciebant ob finem, ut destrueret illos, qui adorarent Dominum, et non illos.

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