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《灵界经历》 第5013节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5013

5013. By virtue of their nature and disposition, the English and the others there, just as in the world, think and do whatever a magistrate says, believe whatever anyone who has a reputation for learning accepts, to such an extent that they think the same and heartily agree. On this account magistrates are appointed to them whom they esteem and whom they consequently, as is their natural custom, obey in all matters. By virtue of this, all who are in this city are held in restraint by a common mindset and fellowship, and are governed. There is a London there because they esteem above all what is their own.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5013

5013. The English and others who are there, are of that genius and disposition that they think and do whatever the magistrate says, just as they do in the world, and that they believe whatever is said by anyone [of those] who have acquired the reputation of learning, so far that they think alike and affirm with unanimity. Wherefore, also, such magistrates are set over them as they esteem, and whom they therefore obey in all things according to their natural custom. By this means, all who are in that city are kept in restraint, in unanimity and in society, and are ruled. That they have a London there, is because they value their own above all things.

Experientiae Spirituales 5013 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5013. Angli et alii qui ibi, eo genio ac ea indole sunt, ut quicquid dicit magistratus, id etiam illi cogitent et faciant, prorsus sicut faciunt in mundo, quod credant quicquid aliquis qui eruditionis famam captarunt, usque adeo ut cogitent simile, et affirment unanimiter, quapropter etiam illis tales magistratus praeficiuntur, quos aestimant, et sic quibus in omnibus, more suo naturali, obediunt; per id omnes qui in illa urbe, tenentur in vinculo, unanimitate et societate, atque reguntur; quod Londinum ibi sit, est quia sua aestimant super omnia.

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