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《灵界经历》 第5015节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5015

5015. About falsely convincing faith without saving faith, how harmful it is

There was a certain one who had a more convincing faith than others. He had believed the things that are in the Word more than others, but his belief had been in the things that are in the literal sense. Also, in the world, through such things and by reading the Word, he came to high positions and acquired a reputation from this. But because he was of such a nature and also wanted to become great in the other life, and he believed he deserved more than others, he wanted to hear nothing other than that he would become great. He also loved worldly things more than heavenly ones. But it was shown how harmful this faith is. He associated himself with the most malicious devils, who had quite strong power through him and had it often and for quite a long time. On account of this, that faith was taken from him because it was harmful both to him and to the human race there. He obeyed the devils in destroying whomever they wanted, especially when they promised him great things and high positions. And it was shown further that his faith had had as its goal high positions and things of the world, which he had also imagined to be heaven. His goal was that he might similarly become great there.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5015


There was a certain one who had persuasive faith more than others. He had believed more stringently than other men those things which are in the Word; but [only] those which are in the sense of its letter. In the world, also, by means of such things and the reading of the Word, he arrived at honors, and hence obtained fame; but, because he was of such a character, and also wished to become great in the other life, and believed himself to be more deserving than others, he was willing to hear of nothing except his becoming great: he also loved worldly more than heavenly things. It was shown, however, how injurious was that faith he possessed. He associated himself with the most malicious devils, who, through him, enjoyed quite weighty power; and this often and for a very long time. Wherefore that faith was taken away from him, because it was injurious both to him and to the human race there. He obeyed the devils in destroying whomsoever they wished, especially when they promised him greatness and honors. It was further shown, also, that his faith had for an end honors and the world, which also he accounted heaven: it [i.e. his end] was that he might become great, in a similar manner, in heaven.

Experientiae Spirituales 5015 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5015. De fide persuasiva absque fide salvifica, quam damnosa

Fuit quidam qui in fide persuasiva prae aliis, crediderat illa quae in Verbo plus quam alii, sed quae in sensu literae ibi, in mundo etiam per talia et lectionem Verbi, ad honores venit, captavit inde famam, sed quia talis, et quoque voluit magnus fieri in altera vita, et credidit se meruisse prae aliis, nihil audire voluit, quam quod magnus fieret, etiam mundana amabat prae coelestibus, sed ostensum quam damnosa esset illa fides, associabat se diabolis malitiosissimis, qui per illum habebant potentiam satis validam, et hoc saepe et satis diu, quapropter illa fides ei adempta fuit, quia damnosa tam illi, quam generi humano ibi, obedivit diabolis ad perdendum quoscunque vellent, imprimis cum pollicerentur ei magna et honores, et ostensum porro quod fides ejus pro fine habuerit honores et mundum, quod putaverit etiam coelum, erat ut similiter ibi magnus fieret.

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