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《灵界经历》 第5016节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5016

5016. Continuation about the city of This city, spoken of [5012-5014], was situated on a rock at the left. There is also another city of , which is situated on a flat stretch of country, on the plane of the sole of the foot, a little the right. English people are there too the city is an effigy of . I too was there likewise roamed several streets. They said that they had seen me when I was in . They even described the paths that I had roamed. It was when I had been there in my thoughts. But no one was seen in the streets, for unless people had permission go out, they were mugged. Those who are evil are in the middle of the city successively in the circumference those who are good. Sometimes the city appears sink in the center then sometimes those who are there are submerged; but sometimes the city sinks down then with its buildings rises then some who are the worst are swallowed up. In this way the city is preserved from the contagion of evil. I have seen it sinking in the center then rising. It was like a flood subsiding.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5016


That city about which I have spoken above was situated on a rock at the left. There is also another city of London, which is situated in a plane on the level of the sole of the foot, a little to the right. Here, too, are Englishmen; and the city is according to the pattern of London. I was there also, and likewise wandered through several of the streets. Those there said that they have seen me when I was in [the former 1] London, and they described the ways through which I then rambled. It was while there that I was also in thought. But no one appeared in the streets: they do not go out except by permission. Men are plundered there. In the middle of the city are the evil, and in the circumference - successively, the good. Sometimes they who are in the middle there appear to sink down, and sometimes those who are there are then overwhelmed; but, sometimes, that city, with its buildings, sinks and again emerges, and then a few who are very bad are swallowed up. In this way that city is preserved from the contagion of evil. I saw the subsidence in the middle, and the emerging. It was like a flood subsiding.


1. See Nos. 5012-5014.

Experientiae Spirituales 5016 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5016. Continuatio de Londino urbe

Illa urbs de qua supra [5012-5014], sita erat super petra ad sinistrum; est quoque alia urbs Londinum, quae sita est in planitie, ad planum plantae pedis ad dextrum paulo, ibi quoque sunt Angli, et urbs ad effigiem Londini, eram etiam ibi, et similiter aliquot plateas pervagatus, dicebant quod viderint me cum essem in Londino, describebant etiam vias quas pervagatus, erat cum ibi fui et in cogitatione, sed non apparuit aliquis in plateis, nam nisi ex venia exeunt, rapiuntur ibi homines: in medio illius sunt mali, et in circumferentia successive boni; quandoque apparet urbs in medio subsidere, et quandoque tunc obruuntur illi qui ibi, sed quandoque subsidit illa, et rursus emergit cum aedificiis, et tunc aliquot, qui pessimi absorbentur, sic urbs illa conservatur a contagione mali, vidi subsidentiam in medio, et emergentiam, erat sicut fluctus subsidens.

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