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《灵界经历》 第5017节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5017

5017. About the cities of Holland

In a dream I roamed a certain city and lost my way and at length thought about Amsterdam and about the marketplace from which a street went out to a gate from which I wished to leave and set out for another place. Then I came into a certain marketplace which I had not seen before and from there onto a street that I saw where there were houses all around. But there were many doors, or rather wooden gates, and the street was also covered with a roof. And I saw no one else than one woman whom I asked whether this street was the exit street for those who traveling out. And when I said this, I awoke.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5017


In a dream, I roamed through a certain city, and lost my way; and at length I thought about Amsterdam, and about the market-place, from which a street went to a gate, whence I wished to go forth, and depart to another place. Then I came into a certain market-place which I have not seen before, and thence into a street which I have seen, where there were houses round about; but there were many doors, or wooden gates, and the street was also roofed over. I saw no one, however, except only one woman, whom I asked whether this street was the street of exit for those who go abroad; and when I said this, I awoke.

Experientiae Spirituales 5017 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5017. De urbibus Hollandici

In somnio pervagabar urbem quandam, et errabam, et tandem cogitavi de Amstelodamo, et de foro, ex quo platea exiret ad portam, unde volui exire, et alio proficisci, tunc veni in quoddam forum quod non ita vidi, et inde in plateam, quam vidi, ubi domus erant circumcirca, sed erant januae seu portae ligneae plures, et quoque erat platea tecta, et nullum vidi, sed modo unam mulierem, quam interrogabam, num haec platea sit platea exitus pro illis qui peregre eunt, et cum hoc dixi, expergefactus sum.

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