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《灵界经历》 第5018节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5018

5018. When I was awake, I spoke with some in the city who were in its center, among whom were also some from the municipal government who asked where I came from and what I wanted, to whom I of course replied just as it was. They then told me what the case was with their city, namely, that it is covered above so that it could scarcely be seen by those in the rocks, and also that their streets are closed in this and the other direction, and that their gates are closed, being opened only with consent.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5018

5018. When I had awoke, I spoke with some in the city who were in the middle of it, among whom were also some of the magistracy, who inquired from whence I came and what I wanted; to whom, also, I replied just as the case was. After this, they related how the case stands with their city, namely, that it is roofed above, in order that it may be seen only with difficulty by those who are on the rocks; also that their streets are closed here and there, and that the gates are closed, only being opened when consent is given.

Experientiae Spirituales 5018 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5018. Cum expergefactus, loquebar cum aliquibus in urbe, qui in medio ejus, inter quos etiam ex magistratu, qui interrogabant unde venirem, et quid vellem, quibus etiam respondebam sicut erat, postea referebant quomodo se habet cum urbe eorum, quod nempe tecta sit desuper, ita ut vix videri possit ab illis qui in petris, et quoque quod plateae eorum clausae sint hic et illinc, et quod portae clausae sint, solum apertae cum datur consensus.

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