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《灵界经历》 第5019节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5019

5019. They also said that in this way they could not be attacked by travelers, nor by those who are on the rocks, by their looking [at them] and so by magical attacks. And they added that if those [upon the rocks] happened to look, the mental images of their thought that happen to come through are bound by certain people there, and that then those who are looking cannot move themselves from the place, and are held in this way to the point that they become anxious, so that they believe they are going to perish. On account of this they then cease from such things and those [who were being looked at] live in safety. It was also vividly shown that it happens in this way: they let loose their magical mental images, and those [in the city] consequently tied these up to the point that those [on the rocks] were despairing. They did this with the mental images of very many together.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5019

5019. They also said that, in this way, they can [not] be infested by travelers, nor by those who are on the rocks, by their looking at them, and thus by magical infestations [from them]; adding, that, if perchance they [in the city] looked at those [on the rocks], those ideas of their thought which happen to penetrate, are bound by certain ones stationed there; and that then those who look cannot move themselves from the place, and are kept thus until they come into anxiety, so that they believe themselves about to perish: wherefore, they afterwards desist from such things; and then they live in security. It was also shown to the life that it so happens. They [on the rocks] let in their magical ideas, and bound them in such a way as to cause despair to the victims. They did this with the ideas of very many simultaneously.

Experientiae Spirituales 5019 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5019. Dicebant etiam quod sic [non] infestari possint a peregrinantibus, nec ab illis qui in petris, per inspectionem et sic per infestationes magicas; addentes, quod si forte inspicerent, ideae cogitationis eorum quae penetrent a certis ibi ligentur, et quod tunc illi qui inspiciunt non possint movere se loco, et quod sic teneantur, usque dum in anxietatem veniunt, ut credant se perituros, quapropter postea desistunt a talibus, ac illi in tuto vivunt: ostensum etiam ad vivum, quod ita fiat, immiserunt suas ideas magicas, et illas ita ligaverunt, usque ad eorum desperationem, fecerunt hoc cum ideis perplurium simul.

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