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《灵界经历》 第5020节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5020

5020. They deal with travelers who come there in the following way. They are let in, and [when] it is learned that they are the kind that do not share the same feelings, or cannot perform any use, they tell them that they must leave, and they are then led to a gate of the city. But it appears to be closed, and then they say that they must go to another gate. When they come there, it too is closed. And they go to many in this way, to the point that they are so exasperated that they can no longer bear such a thing happening. Their desire to leave increases and at length when [the people in the city] sense that the travelers are thinking that because of such mental distress they are no longer going to return, they are let out. This too has been shown to me by actual experience.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5020

5020. With strangers who come thither, who are admitted, and who, it is ascertained, are such as do not accord with the inhabitants and cannot perform any use, they act in this wise. They tell them to depart, and they are then conducted to a gate of the city, but it appears closed, and then they tell them to go to another gate. When they come thither, that is closed also; and so in respect to many, until they become so worried that they can no longer endure such treatment. They increase their longing to depart, and at last, when the inhabitants perceive that the strangers make up their minds that they will never again return, on account of such annoyance, they are let out. This was also exhibited to me to the life, by experience.

Experientiae Spirituales 5020 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5020. Cum peregrinantibus qui illuc veniunt, ita faciunt, qui admittuntur, et comperitur quod tales sint, ut non concordent, vel aliquem usum praestare possint, illis dicunt ut exeant, et tunc ducuntur ad portam urbis, sed illa apparet clausa, et tunc dicunt ut eant ad aliam portam, cum illuc veniunt etiam clausa est, et sic ad plures, usque dum ita lacessiti sint, ut amplius tale non possint sustinere, augent cupidinem exeundi, et tandem cum percipiunt, quod cogitant quod non amplius redituros propter molestiam talem, emittuntur. Hoc etiam per experientiam ad vivum ostensum mihi est.

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