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《灵界经历》 第5021节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5021

5021. They said further, about their women, that they are separate from their men, and that they live on one side of the city, the men on the other, and that when the men desire them, they send to them, and they then come. This is done because it is inborn in them to rule. The women are sometimes indignant and angry on account of this, and they are then sent out of the city. And while they are out, they roam through various places, and a desire to get away is kindled. But nonetheless wherever they come it appears blocked or closed, or swampy or wet and the like. So they roam for a long time looking for a place to get away and do this to the point that they are exhausted. And then they go back into the city and into their homes and in this way are changed for the better.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5021

5021. Further: they said, of their women, that they are separate from their husbands, they dwelling on one side of the city and the husbands on another; and when the husbands want them they send to them, and then they come - which happens on account of its being implanted in them to domineer. Sometimes, the women are indignant and angry at this; and then they are sent out of the city; and, when there, they wander through various places and are inflamed with a desire of escaping, but, whithersoever they come, there still appears an obstruction, or a closure, or a marshy or a watery place, and the like. Thus they wander about, for a long while, seeking a place to go out, and this until they are utterly fatigued; and then they return to the city and enter their houses, and so are amended.

Experientiae Spirituales 5021 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5021. Amplius dicebant de mulieribus eorum, quod illae separatae sint a viris suis, et quod habitent ad unum latus urbis, viri ad alterum, et cum viri desiderant illas, mittunt ad illas, quod tunc veniant, quod fit propter causam quia illis insitum est dominari; quandoque indignantur et irascuntur mulieres, propter hoc, et illae tunc emittuntur urbe, et cum ibi sunt pervagantur varia loca, et accenditur cupido abeundi, sed ubicunque veniunt, apparet usque obvium vel clausum, vel paludinosum, vel aqueum, et similia, ita vagantur et quaerunt locum abeundi diu, et hoc usque dum defatigatae sunt, et tunc redeunt in urbem, et intrant domum suam, ac sic emendantur.

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