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《灵界经历》 第5022节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5022

5022. I spoke with the men and with these women about marriage, to the effect that in the degree that a desire of exercising command increases with the one or the other, in the same degree the delight of life decreases, and that in the degree this desire decreases, in same degree the delight of life increases. Because when the desire to command decreases and disappears, then love itself, and delight along with love, commands, and when love commands, then the Lord God commands. From this comes the great happiness in marriages.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5022

5022. I spoke with the men, and with those [women] concerning marriage, to the effect, that, so far as the desire of ruling increases, in one or another, so far does the delight of life diminish, and so far as that desire diminishes so far does the delight of life increase; for, when the desire of ruling diminishes and disappears, then love itself, and, with love, delight, rules; and when love rules, then the Lord God rules: thence is all happiness in marriages.

Experientiae Spirituales 5022 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5022. Loquebar cum viris et cum illis de conjugio, quod quantum crescit cupido imperandi apud unum aut alterum, tantum decrescat jucundum vitae, et quantum illa cupido decrescit, tantum crescat jucundum vitae, nam cum cupido imperandi decrescit et evanescit, tunc ipse amor, et cum amore jucundum, imperat, et cum amor imperat, tunc Dominus Deus imperat, inde faustitas in conjugiis.

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