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《灵界经历》 第5023节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5023

5023. There are many, as many as necessary, who are on the left at a certain height there, and some to the left far below there, who practice this art so that they can bind thoughts and also induce in others the fantasies that the gates are closed to those who want to go out and that swamps and the like are in the way outside of the city. Those who are skilled at such arts are kept there and are paid. This is allowed for the sake of defending against the evil. They select them, nevertheless, so that they may not be entirely hellish.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5023

5023. There are others, as many as is necessary, who are on the left, in a certain altitude - and some below - chiefly at the left there, who are skilled in the art of being able to bind the thoughts, and also to induce on others the phantasies that the gates are closed; and also, on those who wish to go out, that there are marshy and similar obstructions outside the city. Those who are skilled in such arts are kept there and rewarded. This is permitted for the sake of defending themselves against the evil. Nevertheless, they pick these out, so that they may not be altogether infernal.

Experientiae Spirituales 5023 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5023. Sunt pleri, tot quot necesse est, qui ad sinistrum in quadam altitudine sunt, et aliqui infra maxime ad sinistrum ibi, qui illam artem callent, ut possint ligare cogitationes, et quoque phantasias inducere aliis, quod portae clausae sint, illis qui exire volunt, tunc quod obvia sint paludinosa, et similia extra urbem, illi qui tales artes callent, tenentur ibi, et remunerantur; quod licitum est, se defendendi causa contra malos; illos tamen eligunt, ut non sint prorsus infernales.

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