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《灵界经历》 第5024节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5024

5024. There was a certain one whom they wanted to admit to the city for the purpose of commanding. He (Nerez 1) was one who was hellish and a magician and had a greater desire to rule than others. They told me what he was like. He was let in and then brought many others with him who had a desire to command (C[arl] Gyllenb[org] 2). When they arrived they wanted to command, and because this is what they wanted, in his wicked way he began to want to bind someone from behind and wanted to open the roof anywhere and let in magical mental images from elsewhere. When these mental images were bound and those who wanted to bind from behind were expelled, then along with his associates, he wanted to stir up the women against the men. But the women knew what he was intending and therefore refused. After this they wanted to stir up rebellion among those on the left, who were spoken of earlier as knowing the art of binding and inducing fantasies. But these too were held in restraint. Therefore, since they were laboring in vain, they wanted to leave. And the same thing happened to them in the city.


1. See footnoted information on him in passage 4995.

2. See footnoted information on him in passage 5008.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5024

5024. There was a certain one who wished to be admitted into the city for the sake of ruling. It was Nerez, who was an infernal and a sorcerer and more desirous than others of ruling. They instructed me as to his quality. He was admitted, and he then took to himself many others desirous of ruling, ([amongst them] Carl Gyllenborg). When they came into the city, they wished to rule; and, because they so wished, he commenced desiring to bind some one behind the back in his abominable way, and also to open the roofs and admit magical ideas from outside. When these ideas were bound up, and those who wished to bind people behind the back were expelled, then, with his associates, he wished to excite the women against their husbands. But they were aware of his intention, and therefore refused. After this they wished to excite to rebellion those who were at the left, of whom it has been previously said that they were acquainted with the art of binding [ideas] and of inducing phantasies; but they also were restrained from complying. Wherefore, since they labored in vain, they desired to depart. And then there happened to them in the city such an experience as has been above described - the gates were closed at every point.

Experientiae Spirituales 5024 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5024. Erat quidam qui admitti voluit in urbem, imperandi causa, erat (Nerez) qui infernalis et magus, et prae aliis cupidus imperandi, instruebant me qualis esset, ille admissus, et tunc secum sumsit plures alios imperandi cupidos C. Gyllenb.), cum illuc venerunt, volebant imperare, et quia hoc volebant, coepit ille suo nefando modo velle ligare aliquem a tergo, et quaque volebat aperire tectum, et admittere aliunde ideas magicas; cum hae ideae ligatae sunt, et illi qui ligare volebant a tergo, depulsi, tunc cum suis sociis volebat excitare mulieres contra viros, sed illae sciebant intentionem, quapropter negabant, postea volebant ad rebellionem excitare illos qui ad sinistrum, de quibus prius dictum quod scirent artem ligandi et inducendi phantasias, sed etiam illi compescebantur; quare cum laborarent in vanum, cupiebant exire, et cum illis factum est intra urbem

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