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《灵界经历》 第5027节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5027

5027. It is not allowable to talk with them at all about religion, but when someone comes to them from another religion, they then investigate him, not by spoken questions and answers, but by entering into his thoughts and investigating these on their own, partly when he is unaware, partly when he does know that they are investigating him but as yet does not know what [they want to know]. From this [investigation] they draw out what lies hidden in those who come to them. The priests explore their knowledge of doctrinal matters and the rest probably such things as belong to business.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5027

5027. It is not permitted to say anything to them concerning religion; but when anyone of another religion comes to them, they examine him - not by living voice and oral answers, but they enter into his thoughts and explore for themselves; partly when he is not aware, partly indeed when he knows that they are exploring him but still does not know what [is going on] hence they draw out what lies hidden with those who come to them. Their priests explore doctrinals, and the rest, perhaps such matters as pertain to trade.

Experientiae Spirituales 5027 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5027. Non licet quicquam cum illis de religione loqui, at cum aliquis ad illos venit ex alia religione, explorant illum non per vivam vocem ac per responsa oris, sed intrant in cogitationes ejus, et explorant a se, partim cum ille nescit, partim cum quidem scit quod explorent, sed usque non sciunt quid, inde hauriunt quid apud illos qui ad illos veniunt, lateat: sacerdotes illorum explorant doctrinalia, et reliqui fortassis talia quae mercaturae sunt.

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