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《灵界经历》 第5026节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5026

5026. The Dutch know better than others whether what is appearing is fantasy or what is appearing is real, consequently they cannot be deluded like others. And when this does happen, it does indeed strike them as being so, because then the thing that is real that is appearing is obscured, but they still know that it is a fantasy and that it is going to disappear. On account of this those among them who are sensible cannot be led to the closed gates in the city in this way, nor can such things, spoken of above [5023], be presented for them outside the city.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5026

5026. The Dutch know better than others what is phantasy, and what is real appearance; so that they cannot be deluded like others. Whenever this does happen, it indeed occurs to them as if it is so, because the real appearance is then obscured; but yet they know that it is phantasy, and it vanishes away. Wherefore, those among them who are prudent cannot be led in this manner to the closed gates within the city, nor, as regards them, can such things be presented without the city as have been mentioned above.

Experientiae Spirituales 5026 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5026. Sciunt Hollandi prae aliis, quid phantasia et quid reale apparens, sic ut non sicut alii deludi possint, cumque hoc fit, quidem obvenit illis sicut quod ita sit, quia tunc reale apparens obscuratur sed usque sciunt quod phantasia sit, et evaniturum, quapropter illi, qui inter illos prudentes, non possunt duci ita ad portas clausas intra urbem, nec pro illis possunt talia, de quibus supra [5023], sisti extra urbem.

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