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《灵界经历》 第5052节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5052

5052. I also saw that more than hundreds of thousands were thrust down into hell from a certain mountain by angels because they were found to be evil, and that those who were good had been led away from there prior to this. The evil there who [were thrust down] into hell had committed crimes prior to this and had taken as their leader one who had descended into that atrocious hell at nighttime and allied them with himself and surrounded me. And then all the rest rushed to effect my destruction and spiritual death by wicked methods, which consisted in using the most dreadful magic, by cutting off my private parts, by unspeakable acts, and the like. Their leader was (Lars Benzelst[ierna] 1).


1. See footnoted information on him in passage 4856.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5052

5052. I also saw that there were thrust down into hell, by the angels, from a certain mountain, over hundreds of thousands, because they were found to be evil; the good, also, were previously brought out from there. The evil who were there, have previously perpetrated abominable things in the hells, and taken to themselves a leader, who would, in the night-time, descend into an atrocious hell, and subject those there to himself; he would, also, surround me, and then all the rest would rush to ruin and destroy me by abominable arts, which consisted in the most dreadful magical practices, in the privates being cut off and an unspeakable horror; and their leader [at that time] was Lars Benzelstjerna.

Experientiae Spirituales 5052 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5052. Etiam vidi quod e monte quodam ab angelis detrusi in infernum fuerint ultra centena millia, quia inventi mali, et boni inde educti prius, mali ibi qui in infernum [detrusi] nefanda patraverunt prius, et sibi ducem sumserunt, qui in noctis tempore descenderet in infernum atrox, et consociaret illos sibi, et circumdaret me, et tunc reliqui omnes ruerent ad perniciem et me perderent artibus nefandis; quae erant, per dirissime magica, per pudendum exscissum, et per infandum, et talia; dux eorum erat (Lars Benzelst.).

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