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《灵界经历》 第5054节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5054

5054. In most mountains there is a mountain above a mountain, and those who are on the higher mountain are engaged in what is more inward and those who are lower are controlled there by them. For example, when those who are on the higher mountain speak ill of the Church's doctrine, then those who are below go after those who are good, especially unmarried women and the wives of others. When they say that the doctrine is false and evil, then those below rush and want to whore and commit adultery with others' wives, whom they say are taken up with a doctrinal falsity or evil. And so in addition, when those who are higher up are engaged in these things themselves or are speaking about them, those who are lower engage in representative activities that correspond to them. For this reason it is provided by the Lord that those who are on the higher mountain are involved in good and from this in what is true, because the life of those who are lower depends on them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5054

5054. In most mountains, there is a mountain above a mountain; and those who are on the upper mountain are in interiors, and the lower ones there are ruled by them: as, for example, when those who are in the upper mountain speak evil concerning the doctrine of the Church, then those who are below persecute the good, especially virgins and the wives of others. When they say that a doctrine is false and evil, then the lower inhabitants of the mountain, wish to commit both whoredom and adultery with their women, whom they declare to be in the falsity, or evil, of doctrine; and so, furthermore, when the upper ones are in those things themselves, or speak concerning them, the lower ones are in the representatives which correspond: wherefore, it is provided by the Lord, that those who are on the upper mountain, may be in good and thence in truths; for the life of the lower ones depends on them.

Experientiae Spirituales 5054 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5054. In montibus plerisque est mons supra montem, et qui in superiori monte in interioribus sunt, ac inferiores ibi reguntur per illos, ut pro exemplo, cum illi qui in superiori monte loquuntur de doctrina Ecclesiae male, tunc illi qui infra persequuntur bonos, imprimis virgines et uxores aliorum, cum dicunt quod doctrina sit falsa et mala, tunc ruunt inferiores et scortari volunt et adulterari cum alterius mulieribus, quas dicunt in falso aut malo doctrinae esse, et sic porro superiores cum in ipsis rebus sunt aut loquuntur de illis, inferiores in repraesentativis sunt quae correspondent, quapropter providetur a Domino, ut qui in superiori monte sunt, sint in bono et inde veris, nam ab illis pendet vita inferiorum.

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